Mozambique Programme
Electronic Patient Tracking System (EPTS)
Project Time Frame:
October 2018 - September 2019

Jembi is supporting the process of updating, harmonising and centralising the OpenMRS EPTS platform in coordination with FGH and other PEPFAR clinical partners.
Project Goals
Producing accurate reports for PEPFAR MER indicators and MoH indicators into OpenMRS Reports module, on a standardized and manageable way
Provide support to Implementing Partners on the harmonization of the Data Basis in order to have a national core metadata for EPTS
Ongoing maintenance and hardening of the IOL and SHR reference technologies
The Ministry of Health and PEPFAR require partners to submit quarterly results for a predefined set of indicators using the same report definitions. There have been challenges managing these report definitions because of the different versions of OpenMRS being used by clinical partners. In addition, different architecture models are being used by the partners to distribute and manage their EPTS implementations, with some of the clinical partners using a centralised model to help with reducing patient record duplicates; where each clinic connects to a district or provincial level server instead of each facility managing their own set of patient IDs.
The remaining partners have implemented OpenMRS per health clinic which presents the problem of merging data up and managing duplicates at higher levels. Jembi and FGH to develop a joint plan of action to address all these obstacles and ensure that the data collection and reporting of all PEPFAR clinical partners is harmonised.
Key results for this project include
Technical Assessment of EPTS platform and architecture, workshops with stakeholders, general requirements and documentation preparation;
Joint EPTS work plan defined and M&E system in place
Regular meetings with PEPFAR and MOH for requirements gathering and clarifications;
Regular changes to the PEPFAR MER indicators and MOH reports;
Required documents produced and updated for PEPFAR Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) indicators for HIV and TB: TX-PVLS, TX-NEW, TX-CURR, TX-TB, TB-PREV, TX-ML;
User stories for each indicator and tickets creation on JIRA;
Upgrade partners’ environments to the same OpenMRS version;
Create and manage the Help Desk and the eSaude portal • All EPTS Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual Releases with all required deliverables and artifacts (user stories, templates, installation guides and user manuals, source code packages, reporting module, and database update scripts);
Applied testing Strategy according to CDC recommendations comparing results of indicators built by FGH against those built by Jembi (restore sample database to a testing server, restore FGH report scripts, Import Jembi’s report module, test both FGH and Jembi’s reports, compare results, deep analysis of the results, present user stories and requirements, testing reports, and corrections of the code before final release.
Presentation of the centralized architecture proposal to clinical partners at PEPFAR HIS Partners Meetings;
Elaborate the full manual set for user and administrators;
Provide equipment and installation in the defined and priority HFs to improve the efficiency of the IT infrastructure including servers at MoH and Provinces
All indicators matching 100% in all 7 databases from the PEPFAR clinical partners;
Elaboration and revision of all requirements documents for MER Quarterly Reports;
Elaboration of requirements for MOH monthly report;
Validation and certification of the MOH monthly reports in all 7 databases;
Validation and certification of the MER quarterly indicators in all 7 databases;
All EPTS quarterly releases done;
Support for EPTS Quarterly Releases and updates at the MOH;
Development of the harmonization tool according to CDC recommendations.