"Interoperability is the ability of different information systems, devices or applications to connect, in a coordinated manner, within and across organizational boundaries to access, exchange and cooperatively use data amongst stakeholders, with the goal of optimizing the health of individuals and populations." - HiMSS, What is Interoperability?, accessed August 2019, http://bit.ly/30nu5h6

Featured Projects
CDC Central Initiative Technical Assistance Platform (TAP)
Jembi is a prime awardee under the TAP programme and leads the Data Integration Strategies and Implementation (DISI) component. DISI aims to improve sustainable health information systems to improve patient care and programme monitoring, with an initial use case focusing on HIV case-based surveillance. The program is set up to provide shared resources, expertise and documentation across the PEPFAR community, along with capacity building initiatives and guidance on policies and governance.
OpenHIM Strengthening
The increase in digital health in low and middle-income countries has resulted in increasing requirements for interoperability between these systems in order to improve system operation and strengthen data quality.
Better Health Programme South Africa (BHPSA)
The UK’s Better Health Programme (BHP), is a global health systems strengthening programme led by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and delivered in South Africa by Mott MacDonald. The Better Health Programme South Africa aims to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and strengthen local health systems in order to improve health and thereby contribute to inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction.
OpenHIM COVID-19 Data Exchange
Jembi is proud to have completed work on the development of a prototype solution supporting COVID-19 data exchange using the OpenHIM and Instant OpenHIE to support COVID-19 case reporting and lab result submission using the HL7 FHIR standard. This work was funded by Digital Square, and completed in collaboration with the OpenHIE COVID-19 task force, with support from IntelliSOFT.
Jembi is one of the founders and leaders of the Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE) international community. Jembi is responsible for the interoperability layer and shared health record communities and is a leader of the OpenHIE Implementers Network (OHIN). Jembi provides support for the Data for Accountability, Transparency and Impact (DATIM) reporting system, which makes use of the OpenHIM for submitting data to a central reporting system.
Jembi is proud to have completed work on the development of the EmptyBoxes project, which focused on using the OpenHIM, OpenCR and Instant OpenHIE to support a clinical data exchange use case in a health information exchange. This work was funded by Digital Square, and included collaboration with Dimagi, Inc., who worked on supporting submission of source data from the CommCare mobile solution to a health information exchange.
Instant OpenHIE Project
The Instant OpenHIE project is funded through an investment from Digital Square, with the aim to reduce the costs and skills required for software developers to rapidly deploy a reference OpenHIE architecture, by creating a deployable version of the OpenHIE architecture that is preconfigured to work together. The project provides a simple way for technical persons to set up a reference Health Information Exchange (HIE), supporting real-world use cases and allowing users to illustrate how interoperability can work to solve various health challenges.
Jembi has partnered with IntraHealth International to work on Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project. Phase 1 focused on a health workforce use case and the development of component packaging, scripting and containerisation to produce a packaged version of the OpenHIE architecture, comprising a set of HIE reference technologies and other appropriate tools. In Phase 2, Instant OpenHIE is being extended to include support for new use cases, workflows and technologies. It will also include core architecture and packaging refinements, an updated user interface and test harness architecture, dedicated support for the Instant OpenHIE user community and improved user documentation.
National Department of Health App Store
The NDoH App Store is a mHealth framework developed to support new and existing mobile applications by reducing mobile application fragmentation, assist in the enforcement of POPI and provide valuable insight into mobile application uptake, usage and impact.
Info Hubs
Info Hubs provide an integrated, standards-compliant, information management platform that harness modern data warehousing, business intelligence and data science functionality, resulting in better information and decision making.
The national MomConnect service for pregnant women in South Africa is a cellphone-based health information initiative of the South African National Department of Health. Since its launch on 21 August 2014 the service has had nearly three million women register on attending public healthcare facilities.
Journey Cross Border Immunization Tracking Tool
Journey is a premium branded and patient-centred digital immunization solution that places the patient squarely at the centre of the journey. Journey is tailored to operate fully in offline environments. The solution has two WiFi enabled servers coupled with custom power management and data replication capabilities to ensure maximum uptime. The solution provides the patient with an electronic version of the immunisation record on a credit-card sized Journey card that keeps the patients identity completely anonymous. These cards are accessible by all Journey enabled facilities and are kept up to date after each vaccination event for continuity of care in offline environments.
OpenHIM Project
Jembi continues to develop and strengthen the OpenHIM product offering, the reference technology for the OpenHIE IOL Community, with a focus on core enhancements for improved performance and security and enhanced mediator capabilities.
OpenHIE Project
Jembi is one of the founders and leaders of the Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE - www.ohie.org) international community. Jembi is responsible for the interoperability layer and shared health record communities as well as participating in the OpenHIE Implementers Network (OHIN).