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OpenHIM: Revolutionizing Global Health Through Improved Health Information Exchange

In today's interconnected world, the ability to efficiently share and manage health information is crucial for delivering quality healthcare.

A graphic saying OpenHIM: Global Impact, the openhim logo and a the face of a baby being cared for by a doctor.

OpenHIM is Empowering Connection

OpenHIM is an innovative open-source solution developed by Jembi Health Systems that's transforming Health Information Exchange (HIE) interoperability on a global scale.

The Journey Begins

Jembi's journey started in 2008 with the development of the Rwanda Health Information Exchange (RHIE), the first of its kind using open-source technologies in Africa. By 2013, Jembi had become a founding member of the Open Health Information Exchange (OpenHIE) community, which provides architectural guides for national health information exchanges.

Addressing the Interoperability Challenge

The primary challenge in developing robust HIE systems was achieving interoperability between different health information systems. This led to the creation of OpenHIM, designed to ensure secure, standardized data exchange.

Key Features of OpenHIM

OpenHIM enhances HIE interoperability by:

  1. Ensuring secure communications and data governance compliant with open standards

  2. Simplifying the creation of dynamic routes between HIE components

  3. Providing clear transaction views for efficient debugging and auditing

  4. Centralizing security with multiple authentication methods

  5. Supporting high-speed transactions with minimal overhead

Evolution to OpenHIM Platform

Despite OpenHIM's success, implementations faced additional challenges in deployment and management. Setting up HIE systems proved complex and time-consuming, with difficulties in ensuring security, scalability, and compliance with standards such as FHIR. Additionally, common HIE setup challenges included patient matching, big data reporting, and leveraging machine learning.

To address these issues, Jembi developed the OpenHIM Platform, which offers:

  • Instant deployment of a set of HIE packages, forming a starter HIE for both local and remote environments

  • Essential components like OpenHIM, Kafka, and HAPI FHIR for efficient operations

  • Support for large-scale, secure implementations

  • FHIR standards for secure clinical data storage and retrieval

  • Real-time dashboards and analytics

  • Master patient index (MPI) technology for accurate patient matching and linking

  • Comprehensive tools for smooth operation and maintenance

  • Advanced service monitoring

  • Scalable technology to support growing healthcare needs

Global Impact

OpenHIM has made significant contributions to healthcare systems worldwide:

  • Improved data exchange for 400 health systems within Indonesia's SatuSehat Platform, serving 270 million people

  • Enhanced HIV care through centralized data aggregation in Ethiopia's Central Data Repository

  • Established a FHIR-compliant HIE, improving care continuity in Sri Lanka's NEHR

  • Achieved accurate patient tracking and reporting by de-duplicating 3.5 million records in Kenya

Also implemented in various national Ministry of Health Information Exchanges across Africa, including Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Lesotho

The Future of Health Information Exchange

As a digital Public Good built and maintained by Jembi, OpenHIM continues to empower communities through innovative Health Information Exchange. As the platform continues to evolve, it's poised to tackle emerging challenges in health information exchange, including the integration of machine learning capabilities to further enhance healthcare delivery and outcomes.

By specializing in digital health information systems for low-resource settings, Jembi is working towards a future where data analysis can strategically manage limited resources, extracting insights that empower decision-makers, health workers, and patients in Africa and Asia.

For those interested in learning more about OpenHIM or getting involved, visit for documentation, source code, and additional information.

Chris Seebregts at the AIDS2024 hosted by sharing project insights with partner Palladium at the Data.FI stand.
This impact story was originally distributed as a brochure by Jembi CEO, Dr Chris Seebregts at AIDS 2024, hosted by IAS Society, at the Data.FI stand in collaboration with Palladium.

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