We attended a meeting in Yaoundé Cameroon with CDC HQ and CDC Cameroon.
The team completed a site visit at Etoug Ebe, a private health facility (HF), where the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) and Stock Management are implemented. Our team was impressed with the HF staff's knowledge, use, and advocacy of the system.
The 2nd site visit was at St. Martin De Porres, a public health facility where the EMR was implemented in July 2022. Within a year, the site has already caught up with their active files and Jembi is in the process of handing over to the HF staff.
Several success stories were identified:
The EMR is being actively used by Clinicians as a point-of-care system, Jembi has successfully handed over the management of the EMR and data management to HQ Efoulan.
Ongoing training at sites and identification of local “champions” has shown large success where those people are in place.
Jembi and CDC engaged in several good discussions around the Y3 work plan, challenges, success stories, the need for collaboration amongst IPs (Implementing Partners), and CDC's support and guidance on the Y4 work plan creation and the way forward.